

The place we live in is important for both our physical and mental health.

The purpose of a renovation is the evolution of an existing space into modern technologies and life conditions.

Through a renovation, we upgrade our standard of living, which will have immediate results in our daily lives.

Athe Constructions adapts to the customer’s functional and spatial needs and completely modernizes all facilities of the existing space, providing design services to optimise the space layout, as well as upgrading the building’s energy performance.

The Athe Constructions team has years of knowledge and experience in the field of renovations – we take pride on providing flexibility, quality and harmonization.

We offer a full service package that upgrades your space and adds value to your investment.


Athe Constructions has long experience in newbuild construction. Our portfolio includes construction methods such as reinforced concrete, exposed concrete, composite construction and metal frame buildings.

Athe Constructions adapts the works execution to the genius loci of each location, in conjunction with each client’s needs.  

Specifically, the company has been a pioneer in the apartment complex construction field, regarding both the design and client-centered approach.

Apart from a personal need, the construction of a newbuild is a life investment and as such, it requires special attention as to the direction you need to follow.

Our goal is the absolute satisfaction of your desires and needs.

Business and commercial spaces

Business premises, following the trends and perspectives of modern developments, are developed either as purely commercial spaces, or as offices.

The built infrastructure of business premises, apart from the quality of their services or products, plays a crucial role in their sustainability and success.

A carefully executed construction can, among other things, increase employee efficiency, reduce operating costs and at the same time improve the company’s image towards customers, partners and investors, highlighting its products and services.

The construction of a business space, a commercial office space, is a complex process, which requires detailed study, careful design and selection of materials.

The Athe Constructions team has the necessary experience and know-how to realise your plans for your space’s functionality and comfort, as well as to advise you on the right choice of materials that will be durable and timeless, for any type of business, ensuring the best return on your investment.